Posts Tagged 'fully booked'

the child in me

been looking for this here in Manila. and was disappointed to know that a 4-storey book haven doesn’t have it on stock. *sigh*

no. i didn’t grow up reading the book. i knew Dr. Seuss & Silverstein by heart (met them first when i was in grade school) and read their books the most times than any of my collection, but i never heard of Sendak nor his illustrated book (which by the way shocked the world of J).

we just came back from S’ place and have a major buzz in our head because of cussing-drinking game when K & J animatedly read to me the book. and despite the microsecond naps in between (the warm spiced rum was the culprit, ok?!), i easily related with Max and got lost in his wild imagination. after the storytelling, i just have to grab the book and looked through the illustrations. i became an instant fan! too bad i was booked to fly out to NY the next day and missed the premiere day showing of it. would have been perfect to see it on the silver screen with the Crew!

cute King Max

and did i get the chance to see it on the big screen?

YEZZZ!! on my first night in Jersey. was lucky to catch it on its second day of showing.

it’s all worth the popcorn and soda i brought in! :-)

happy times!


good ol’ brew

burst of colors

my luv affair to my islands

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